Thursday, December 2, 2010

2 months!

15 lbs 1 oz (95th percentile)
24.5 in long (95th percentile)
head: 41cm (75th percentile)
LOVE our big & healthy boy!

At 2 months, he:
-smiles, coos, "talks", and laughs
-flails his arms & kicks his legs around like crazy
-can push his upper body up all the way when on his tummy (like a push up)
-finally taking a paci (MAM brand)
-absolutely LOVES bath time... will get a video of that soon!
-goes to bed between 6-7pm & sleeps 5-7 hours & then 3 hour stretches after that til 6-7am (hopefully it still stays close to this with the cross country move)
-is perfectly healthy in every way
-has a tough grasp
-follows us and objects
-loves being talked & sung to

cute video I took today (sorry it's kinda dark):

1 comment:

  1. I cant believe he's already 2 months old! He is precious, Amanda! They grow up so fast, so enjoy every minute with your little guy!
