Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Valentine's Day

This year, I had not 1 Valentine, but 2! The best two Valentine's a girl could ask for. I am so blessed! =)

such handsome boys =)

yes, he is #1 with the ladies already. haha. I will have my hands full.

He gave me the best gift ever: a nap on me which rarely happens anymore. It was the sweetest.

4 months

So, I'm behind on doing this post, but our sweet boy turned 4 months old back on Feb. 2nd. He's growing up so fast!

*At 4 months: (as of Feb.2nd)
-got 2nd round of shots. He was a trooper and only cried for like a minute after the last one.
-18 lbs 6 oz
-26 inches.
-can roll both ways, but prefers back to tummy
-still swaddled when sleeping
-still sleeps 12-13 hours at night, but usually wakes up once or twice now.
-SO full of personality. If it's quiet, he has to make noise (unless he's sleeping). He loves to flirt and be the center of attention in a group of people.
-constantly complimented by others on how much of a happy baby he is
-reflux/spit up is a lot less and better
-can hold head steady
-loves to sit/stand with assistance
-grabs at toys, faces, phones, whatever is in front of him
-has the most adorable giggle
-had first playdate

-okayed to try cereal, but we haven't given it to him yet (still gotta get a high chair and all the feeding utensils)