Wednesday, January 26, 2011

full of smiles =)

Took this video on Monday afternoon. He's such an adorable, sweet, and happy baby boy. Love him so much!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

3 months!

don't know exact measurements, but:
-at least 25 in.
-just over 16 lbs

-has rolled over from tummy to back twice

-is sleeping 11-12 hours straight at night... we're so lucky and blessed

-is talking, squealing, making lots of noises

-has discovered his hands and loves sucking on them when balled in fists

-is enjoying his swing finally and naps in it occasionally
-has the biggest, cutest smile... just such a happy baby
-grabs toys put into his hands
-still working on a nap schedule
-still spitting up during the day
-loves to be held and talked to
-holds his head steady and up
-walks his feet when held in the standing position
-starting to be able to sit up with assistance

We're so in love with our sweet baby boy. Each day is a true blessing.